Life is about living it to the fullest. Let me tell you this, you haven't lived your life till you wake up and see it empty.

posted : January 1, 2011
title : Bring it on 2011!
I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2011!

2010 has passed by so fast, now we are into another decade through the 20th millennial.

To me, 2010 has been a real roller coaster ride with many ups and downs, but mostly downs I would have to say. I've had my moments early in the year and that is about it for me.

Let's recap 2010:


1.Final Year Project has to be the best time in 2010. I made friends, had a lot of fun and able to get an A for my grade.

2. Able to get the inspiration flowing and wrote a few songs. Too bad I lost some of it because my computer crashed.

3. Manage to master the hotel California solo.


1. Fell into deep depression and was suicidal for 3 months. That really took a big toll on me mentally and physically.

2. I don't have a family another. I don't have a father anymore.

Lessons learnt:

1. Even the most hurtful and depressing times can be your strongest. Use it to your advantage and become stronger than ever.

2. Trials and tribulations are like a storm. When it comes, it rages on and on and it seems forever. But when it clears, light pours in like never before.

New Year Resolution:

I made my resolution quite early in the year and I will keep up to it. I will not go back to that dark place where I came from and will continue to do the best I can in my studies, music and my life.


posted : December 28, 2010
title : Music...Part of us?
Dear Readers (if there is any),

Today's post will be a little different from the other posts I've had. Today I will be talking about something that is close to my heart. Music. Music as many people come to understand is a tune or rhythm which we tend to enjoy for just the pleasure of listening to it. May it be heavy metal to classical it is all music. Rap is not counted.

Music plays a more important role than just for entertainment (for me it does). It can command us everyday for our life. Music has a more significant role than you think. Let's start with something simple.

1. Music is entertainment

Music = entertainment, that is true. Everyone enjoys music be it in different forms. People don't go to rock concerts for the music but for the atmosphere, the crowd and maybe the girls (for guys) and guys (for girls).

2. Music are mood changers

This is a true fact! For experience different type of songs can change ones person's mood. You can be happy listening to a fast, sweet lyric-ed song and the next moment being all down because of a song change. Lets take some songs for example; 'Marry you - Bruno Mars' is a very upbeat song with beautiful lyrics and awesome composition. This song will keep your spirits up no matter what but when you listen to a song like 'Broken Angel - Boyce Avenue' it makes you think about the lyrics and how it can affect you. The tune too is a bit too depressing but still a great song. If you think you have mood swings? Then stop changing songs so fast!

3. Music influences emotions

Besides it setting the moods, it can influence your emotions. Say you just met the girl/guy of your dreams and the whole day you think about that person. You will not wanna play a sad song, you want that same feeling of euphoria throughout the day. So what do you do? Play a happy tune. This tune maintains your happiness more or less throughout the whole day.

Or it could be the other way around. You just got dumped and feeling like shit. Though you try to tell yourself to cheer up. You just can't seem to get to it. So? You play the saddest you have in your music file. I bet some people do that. Just admit it!

4. Music brings back memories

Ah! Beautiful memories when a song you loved when you were a kid. It makes you reminiscent about you childhood, teenage years etc. Certain songs you may hear over the radio or in your playlist will trigger back memories in an instant. Whether good or bad, you will recall of your past. Me for example, if I listen to Backstreet boys it will take me back to my primary school days. And if I listen to 'Bop Bop Baby - Westlife' it reminds me of my biggest heartache. Though this are just two examples, different songs trigger different memories. Maybe it is also a good thing knowing you have grown up for the better (or worst).

5. Music is your lifeline

Contestant: Can I use a lifeline?
Host: Who would you like to call?
Contestant: My favorite song...

It may seem rather stupid that music could be someone's lifeline and saving them from doing stupid things like killing themselves but in certain cases it is true. Once again use me for example, I was in a very bad place for 3 months and music was the only thing preventing me from going insane. Under the amount of pressure I have, music is my only savior. There are many songs out there which boost ones person's morale or even giving a moment of epiphany. Let's see what songs are inspirational? 'Fireworks - Katy Perry', ' Good Life - One Republic', 'Not Afraid - Eminem' and 'Don't stop believing - Journey'. These are a few examples of inspirational songs. There are loads more.

6. Music is all around us

Music is in everything, a piece of rock, a tree rustling its leaves and even your heartbeat. The rhythm you heart beats to, that too is music technically. Though many people do not hear it, if a person understands and listens, they may be able to hear the sweet symphony of nature. Inspiration for writing music comes from there. Maybe there is something greater out that which gives us the power of inspiration to make music.

The best examples for natural music has to be birds. Every morning you can hear birds chirp in different pitch and tone. If that is not music, then what is?

7. Music is life

I can summarize all this into one sentence.

'The way your heart beats, the way you feel, the way you think and the way you live, music plays a role"

Well, that is all I will be talking about music for now!


posted : December 25, 2010
title : It's been awhile
Hey People!

I know I have not blogged for quite awhile. I think the last time I blogged was just before the common tests. This is gonna be quite long.

Common test week was crazy. I mean literally crazy! The first day which was a Monday was alright, the brain was still functioning well and all pumped to get the tests over and done with. However, by Wednesday, it started to take a turn for the worst. Everything was chaotic. Tried memorizing my notes but nothing seems to go in. Reach home after studying and all I can do is eat then sleep. That was how 'nutsy' it was. I had to shout the sentence to get it into my head.

By Friday, my brain was literally dead. Nothing could go in, not even the information at the bus terminal. If 7 common test papers can do this to me, how am I gonna survive for my exams? I would be dead by the last paper.

So now its our 'Christmas Break'. Not much of a break I would say! Almost everyday its projects. This and that project. God! Can I at least breathe a little? I'm suffocating under all this work.

Filming for PCT is almost done. I'm so happy that we manage to get what we wanted in that 2 days for filming but the worst part is gotta be the editing. Save me please.

Had a Christmas Eve dinner at my Aunty's house just now and it was totally awesome. Though my stomach is gonna explode anytime soon.

I wanted to blog about something to do with music but as I am typing this out, I became lazy to type out a whole entire blog about music. Just a synopsis of my next blog: Music is something important but we never seem to realize. Its in our heart, mind and soul almost every second of our being. That is all I would say =)

Anyway, I would like to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone who is reading this whether you are black, white, brown, yellow, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Aliens, Monsters, Ghosts, Elves, Dwarfs, Gnomes, and so on. MERRY CHRISTMAS!


posted : December 12, 2010
title : The 90s
Random Post #1

Today I started listening to pop-techno's of the 90's and I really miss those days where the music were pure and just plain awesome!

Does it make you wonder that we are getting old?!

Here are a few of those songs. Hope it can bring back some memories of a once beautiful 90's

Cheers! and good luck for the common tests!

posted :
title : Late once more...
Hey People!

Sorry I did not update the past week. It has been a rather hectic with the common tests coming up and revision seems to be never ending. I too am taking my own sweet time studying when the first paper is this Monday!

On the bright side, after the common tests would be a 2 weeks break or rather make it 3 since e-learning week is too given. There is nothing much to say today or about the past week but just I studied, watched my shows and played my guitar.

I too may starting putting up videos of myself playing the guitar and singing original songs or covers. I have no decided yet. Maybe if more people read my blog I may actually do that. Be warned, my singing is horrible!

Here is the video of the week

This is a new song my Tae Yeon for the Korean Drama Athena: Goddess of war. Heard this drama is good and it is the spin-off of IRIS.

I may put the lyrics up someday...


posted : December 3, 2010
title : Friday Once Again

It's Friday...Again...

Anyway this week have been rather a roller coaster? You can say that. A lot of things happened...

Monday: we chased Cherine Tan like a pack of wolves for our cell comm results. It was literally standing at the staff door and staring into the room while she typed out our grades in the computer. It was like waiting for our O level results. Lol. Anyway, I got an 'A' so yea, that gave me the motivation to do sustain the same grade.

Tuesday: Was kinda alright, I went to the gym after school and met Joseph. I have really I mean really bad stamina! I ran on the treadmill for about 15 minutes and I could not take it. Though I can do the other circuits but my weakness is definitely running.

Funny Story:
I was taking the train home after gym. I went to sit down and there was this guy sitting directly opposite me. You know sometimes when you are very tired or just restless you tend to just stare blankly into space? That kind of reaction. I was having one of that moment looking at the wrong thing. I was blankly staring at his crotch. The best part was his legs were spread open. I had no idea I was doing that. I think it was quite long after I realized I stared at it. I was like "Oh...Shit..." and quickly looked around to see if anyone had seen me. I spotted this girl sitting diagonal to me she gave me a quick smile and a snicker. I was like "crap..." and quickly looked away.

Wednesday: was a boring day. Shall not touch on that!

Thursday: It was havoc in the morning. I had to take my NAPFA test I was totally unprepared for. Though I had been training, I did not train enough for it. I knew I would screw it up. I was wrong...

Sit Ups: 41 (A=40)
Chin Ups: 4 (Pass=3)
Sit & Reach: 41 (I think its B?)
Shuttle Run: 10.4 sec (B)
Standing Broad Jump: Fayul!
2.4km Run: Fayul!

I failed two out of six stations. That was a miracle I would say. 4 chin ups? Gotta be kidding me!

Friday: Got back our proteomics results, I got an 'A' thanks to the recommended book. It really helped a lot. I cycle to school and going home I had to cycle in heavy rain. At least my bike had a good washing.

Now, time for the video of the week.

This song by Katy Perry seems inspirational compared to her other songs which I think totally made no sense.

At least these lyrics are kinda cool.


posted : November 26, 2010
title : Video of the Week!
Hey all,

As promised...

Here is the Video of the Week!

